listDon’t follow my idiotic mistake!


Yes, it took me 2 years of trying to market online until I finally got this concept brutally pounded into my head. 2 years I listened to my supposed MLM leaders about just use your back office and NOTHING about building an email list!! BUILD YOUR DARN LIST! If you have heard of this and haven’t gotten around to doing it, you just spinning your wheels.


I worked my rear off marketing for 2 straight years nonstop and built sizeable downlines in my business. Sure, I made a few bucks here and there but what was digging myself a deep grave. Today, all these programs I built downlines are gone and had nothing to show for it. I was promoting somebody else and not myself. I am not saying promoting affiliate links is a bad thing but just remember… would you rather promote affiliate links from you optin list or promote these same links with hard work?


So, before you do anything else: build a website, create and newsletter, and start promoting your site and newsletter. This will save you tons of time and headaches in the long run.  Build your list by giving away free software, eBooks, and offers. I would recommend giving away a viral e-book to new subscribers personally.


I don’t know about you but I don’t want to work nonstop all day long marketing. If I wanted to do that I would just go out and find a job, right? You probably want to be lazy like me and wake up late and go to bed early knowing you’re going to make money either way. So 25,000+ subscribers later I can feel comfortable doing that. I am not saying you can be lazy but you get the point 🙂


It is much easier to promote affiliate programs or your own programs for that matter when you can e-mail several thousand subscribers about it.


So, here’s some extra benefits of building a list will bring you….


  1. offer paid ads in your newsletter
  2. promoting affiliate links or your programs mentioned above
  3. potential viral sales
  4. days, weeks, months, and years of residual income potential
  5. future Joint Ventures with your subscribers or other webmasters affiliated with your business


Those are just a few of the benefits of building a list offers, I am sure you can find other good reasons if you put your mind to work.


Be careful! Once you have a list it’s up to yours to maintain it. Watch what you promote or recommend. For the most part stick to your “newsletters theme.”  It’s okay to go off topic every once in a while, but keep that to a minimum. Remember that you have a good reputation to keep and if you start angering your subscribers or flood their e-mail box with offers your business will start to sink.


I hope that this sheds some light on the importance of building your list and stop you from following my idiotic mistake!


ZLoescherZach Loescher – EMT/CPT

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