maxMax little buddy,

WOW, I don’t even know where to start with you little guy!

How quick those 4, 5 or how many ever years have gone that I first met you and well back then you weren’t really sure about me. Some new guy invading your space and rightfully so buddy.

Those days, no matter the weather you’d run out the doggie door to get away from me and I would follow you out and bring you back in to dry you of from the snow or rain that soaked your trembling body. You were my little protector and stood guard of the grill when I fired it up.

Sorry, Max, I hated the word diaper on you, so I renamed them boxers for you. Not once did I complain about taking you out to potty, or doing circles on my bed at 2 am to get comfy again. I enjoyed watching you skip and jump around free in the yard and was amazed at how you knew when you were about to run out of the room, you’d slam on your brakes and turn around.

These last 6 or so months with your health and age trying to take your spunk and slow you down has been hard. But, you never once gave up on anything and always wanted to be a part of everything still.

I’d never thought how much you would impact me and the emptiness now that you’re gone is hard.

I will miss you little buddy Max! My memories of your kisses/licks, your taste for certain beers (shh our secret), the cuddles, those back rubs you so loved, and all the good times we had.

I hope you felt the extra love and appreciation the last days buddy, I know you gave me so much and helped me so much as well.

You’re free now little buddy, go run around without your boxers on!

Love you, Max,

ZL Signature 2Zach Loescher – EMT/CPT

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